Care Companion Training Program


SKU: 404020-02-2071 (Feb 1-3, 2021) Category:


The “Care Companion Training Program” is an online training course taking place on February 1, 2 & 3, 2021 presented by Yee Hong Centre, Gaia Community Care and Wellness Society and Prof. Olivia Chow of Institute for Change Leaders.

The program will be taught by a team of experienced health care professionals including Dietitian, Nurse and Social Worker via Zoom and available for Toronto/Vancouver Cantonese-/Mandarin-speaking participants on February 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Course fee: $99

多倫多頤康中心、溫哥華佳頤中心和Institute for Change Leaders (ICL) 鄒至蕙教授合作推出全新「關顧者訓練課程」,課程由專業的護理人員如營養師、護士及社工在Zoom 雲視頻授課,學員將在頤康中心或佳頤中心進行體驗式學習。
費用: $99