Elderly Care Series — Intergenerational Communication Skills

Many elderly caregivers not only need to take care of their partners but also look after children, who often do not listen. Communicating with children is actually similar to communicating with the elderly. Let's learn communication skills between the young and the old together. Click here for Registration

Get Moving … Health Exercise (Cantonese)

"Move if you want to live"-Use proper limb stretching and breathing adjustment to strengthen body functions, promote blood circulation, improve brain cell metabolism, benefit the nervous system and maintain a stable mood. Participants must wear comfortable clothing and exercise shoes. Click here for Registration

Age Well AT Home Project – Cantonese

The service plan mainly includes three major categories: System Navigation, Falls Prevention Clinic and Home maintenance. Click here for registration 

Music and Stress Relief – Cantonese

Talk about what is stress, sources of stress and ways to reduce stress including how we use music to reduce our stress. Click here for registration

Caregiving Tips: Housework at Ease – Cantonese

Often housework involves repetitive movements which can easily cause injuiries with symptoms such as tingling, numbness, muscle pain and join pain. In this workshop, we will know about tips on correct postures when getting your chores done, and tools to simplify your chores. Click Here for Registration